Step 1. Have the desire to achieve

Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration. The words of famous inventor Thomas Edison ring true in many walks of life. One of them is getting to the top of the footballing elite.

Step 2. Set goals

Setting goals is a valuable part of improving in football, with studies proving it can boost your performance on the pitch. With such a long and difficult journey to making it as a pro, you need a way of regularly checking your progress.

This is where goal setting comes in. Underneath the one, mammoth end-goal of making it to the top, you need to place a series of achievable yet challenging goals along the way.

Step 3. Train, and stay motived

A long-standing theory in sports performance suggests that after 10,000 hours of practicing any skill, you’ll become an expert. To make it like a pro, you need to be constantly striving to improve. Use every training sessions as a stepping stone to becoming better, and include all the remaining steps to ensure you can cut it at the very top. Staying upbeat and in the zone when your ultimate goal seems so far aware can be a tough prospect. To stay motivated, you keep in touch with the more beautiful side of the beautiful game.